Couple takes down robber with a bottle Martinelli’s sparkling cider
A Washington couple stopped a suspected thief from trying to raid their car by hitting him in the head with a bottle of sparkling cider.
The couple pulled into their driveway Tuesday night and saw a light on in another car they owned. So, Stacey Ellis retrieved a bottle of Martinelli’s sparkling cider from the car she was sitting in and turned off the light.
The prowler, later identified as Samual Clopton, jumped out of the other car and started running down the street, according to Ellis.
What Clopton didn’t know was that Gerald Ellis, Stacey’s husband, used to run hurdles for the University of Oregon. He saw the man exit the couple’s car and chased him down the road. He managed to tackle Clopton to the sidewalk. Complete Story and Video